
IPS Update Issue July 2011

1 Jul 2011


In the Spotlight


What Youth Want

Are Singaporeans born in and after 1975 really that different from the older generation? What do they yearn for in life and through politics?What does this mean for Singapore‘s political landscape? Young politicians who contested in the May General Election shared their perspectives at this IPS forum. […]



Sound Clips from the IPS “What Youth Want” Forum

Listen to young politicians as they talk about their aspirations and analyses of the young Singapore voters. To listen, please click here […]


NHBA–IPS Symposium on “Making a ‘Great’ Art
Museum: Contending with Southeast Asian Modernities and Art”

What goes into the making of a ‘great’ art museum? What are the social, cultural, intellectual and political ecology conditions necessary for a ‘great’ museum to flourish in Singapore? […]


Singapore’s Industries of Tomorrow

Should Singapore promote growth in manufacturing or services? A hot topic during GE2011, IPS Research Intern Tan Shuo Yan takes stock of some of the views of local and international economists in the ongoing “manufacturing versus services” debate and considers how to move the debate on Singapore’s future industries forward. […]


How Singapore voted in GE2011: A “Watershed” Election

In his remarks at a recent lunch talk, IPS Faculty Associate Dr Tan Ern Ser reflects on the critical factors needed to rigorously assess the concerns of the Singaporean electorate and their voting behavior in the recent “watershed” election. […]



IPS Roundtable on “Responsible Gaming”

How do countries, with casinos in their midst, minimise the likelihood that a recreational pursuit turns into an addiction with its attending social ills? Experts Dr Jon Kelly and Dr Nerilee Hing from Canada and Australia as well as Dr Chang Weining based in Singapore shared their views this IPS roundtable. […]


Improving Social Mobility in Singapore

At a recent IPS discussion event bringing together policy makers, academics and social service providers, participants evaluated existing routes and new ways forward for improving social mobility in Singapore through opportunities in Education, Employment, Enterprise and Empowerment. […]


The World Bank Global Development Horizons 2011 Report

A multi-polar world where emerging economies (the BRIICs) will account for more than half of global growth. A potential reality where the yuan and the euro join the US dollar as dominant world currencies. These are some possibilities discussed in a World Bank Report launched at a recent IPS roundtable. […]



“Demystifying the Presidential Office”

IPS Special Adviser Professor Tommy Koh discusses the role, function and power of the President in a recent column in the Straits Times. […]


Childbearing Among Singaporeans in Decline – What Next?

Singapore’s total fertility rate has been in decline over the last decade, despite a gamut of policy measures aimed at supporting family formation. In a recent article for Global-is-Asian, IPS Senior Research Fellow Dr Yap Mui Teng examines why this is so and what more can be done. […]



IPS welcomes new Director Mr Janadas Devan. […]


The AWARE Saga – Civil Society and Public Morality in Singapore

A new book on the “AWARE Saga” in 2009 features a chapter on “The Politics of (Non-) Interference from the Singapore State”, co-authored by IPS Senior Research Fellow Dr Gillian Koh. […]


IPS Post-Election Forum

IPS is organising a forum that will discuss potential directions for Singapore’s political system after the recent General Elections. The forum will also feature an exclusive analysis of a survey on voters’ attitudes commissioned by IPS. […]

NHBA–IPS Symposium on “Making a ‘Great’ Art Museum: Contending with Southeast Asian Modernities and Art”

What makes a museum a ‘must-go’ destination for visitors? What are the emerging global trends in museology and what are the challenges involved in developing a ‘great’ art museum? […]


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