
IPS Update Issue January 2016

21 Jan 2016


In the Spotlight


Singapore Perspectives 2016

IPS’ annual flagship Singapore Perspectives conference took place on 18 January and featured four panel sessions helmed by Ministers Chan Chun Sing, Ng Chee Meng, Ong Ye Kung and Heng Swee Keat. Panellists and participants raised questions on the future of Singapore’s economy, society and politics. Highlights from the conference will be featured in a one-hour programme on Channel NewsAsia, that will be telecast several times beginning 8pm on 22 January.



Development Goals and Demographic Change: Presentation by the World Bank

The fundamental demographic changes taking place in the current era present both challenges and opportunities for countries. For instance, many developed countries have to make tough social choices in the context of their ageing populations. These and other issues were discussed when IPS hosted the Singapore launch and discussion of the IMF/World Bank’s Global Monitoring Report 2015/2016: Development Goals in an Era of Demographic Change.


Working Towards “A World Without Poverty”

IPS organised a seminar recently for Dr Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), who spoke about how free enterprise can help lift many in the world out of poverty. Dr Brooks visited Singapore as the 49th Lee Kuan Yew Exchange Fellow.


Is it Time for a New Approach to Education in Singapore?

Singapore’s achievements in education are arguably impressive, but have they come at a cost? IPS Senior Research Fellow Tan Tarn How argues for a paradigm shift in our education system; one that reduces its focus on grades, but concentrates on a flourishing life.


Singapore Families: Risk and Protective Factors

The third instalment of the IPS Social Lab-FASS Social Science and Policy cluster’s workshop series will focus on the issues that impact the Singapore family, in light of the changes that society is undergoing. The Head of IPS Social Lab, Associate Professor Tan Ern Ser, says more about what attendees can expect from the workshop.


Defining Bilahari Kausikan

Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan’s first IPS-Nathan Lecture takes place on 29 January and is on the topic, “Defining the Problem”. Read this short interview with the IPS 2015/16 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore.


IPS Mentorship Programme: Development Within and Outside IPS

IPS Research Assistants make important contributions to each research cluster’s work. A recently launched mentorship programme aims to help them hone their skills and further their career aspirations.


Not Born in Singapore — Fifty Personalities who Shaped the Nation

Not Born in Singapore — Fifty Personalities who Shaped the Nation tells the stories of 50 individuals whose efforts had contributed substantially to Singapore’s progress from third world to first. The book was launched in November 2015 and is available in bookstores now.



Hoe Su Fern, Jacqueline Liu and Tan Tarn How: Getting to the Heart of Great Public Spaces

Has the place management approach to creating great public spaces worked? What gives a public space its “soul”? The authors argue for the need to acknowledge that some of the most vibrant places are self-made, and that the government should enable its growth, rather than plan and manicure it.


Christopher Gee: Housing Grants and the Affordability of HDB Flats

Housing grants disbursed by HDB help improve the affordability of public housing to flat buyers, particularly for the lower-middle and middle-income buyers. An across-the-board price reduction would have broader ranging implications. 


Tommy Koh: Three Miracles from 2015

Three events — the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Myanmar’s transition to democracy, and the Xi-Ma summit in Singapore — stand out as very positive developments from the bad news of conflict, disaster and tragedies of 2015.


Gillian Koh: “Refreshing” Singapore’s Political System

At the opening of the 13th Parliament, President Tony Tan said that the government was studying how to “improve” the political system. Could there be a review of the Elected Presidency? There is also unfinished business in terms of clarifying and strengthening the Town Councils Act.


IPS Symposium on Media and Internet Use During General Election 2015
Date: 27 January 2016

This symposium will feature five presentations that will take a detailed and academic look at media use during the election, using survey findings from IPS’ study on media and Internet use during General Election 2015. 

2015/16 IPS-Nathan Lectures — Dealing with an Ambiguous World, Lecture I (An Age without Definition)
Date: 29 January 2016

Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, the 2015/16 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, begins his lecture series, titled “Dealing with an Ambiguous World”, on 29 January 2016. 

Workshop on Singapore Families: Risk and Protective Factors
Date: 29 January 2016

IPS and the Social Science and Policy Research Cluster of NUS is organising a joint workshop on the risk and protective factors in strengthening family resilience. It aims to address some of the relational issues that impact the Singapore family.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the future political scene, nature of engagement, family-friendly policies, and a range of other issues. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here

Read the newly launched Young Singaporeans Series!


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The IPS newsletter team comprises Wong Fung Shing, Chang Zhi Yang, Tan Chween Tah and Lynn Lee. To contact them, please e-mail 