
IPS Update Issue January 2014

15 Jan 2014


In the Spotlight


IPS Reflects on the Year Gone By

In 2013, the Institute of Policy Studies commemorated its silver jubilee and while its 25th anniversary gala dinner was certainly a highlight, there were other significant milestones and projects worth mentioning. Here are reflections of the year gone by from all the research clusters in IPS. […]



The Year in Review: Policy and Political Developments in 2013

On the politics and governance front, Singapore in 2013 was characterised by policy changes in which the government sought to strengthen its social compact with the people. On the ground level, there was evidence of civic activism, ranging from initiatives to help low-income families to the Population White Paper protests. Read the report here: […]


Doing Social Research in Singapore: Survey Fieldwork and Panel Studies

The IPS Social Lab’s workshop on survey fieldwork and panel studies is symbolic on numerous counts. It is the cluster’s inaugural joint workshop since its establishment. The workshop also saw a rare coming together of market research practitioners and academics as speakers on a single platform. Read the report here: […]


Report on IPS Community Leaders Integration Conference

Are migrant associations beneficial or detrimental to integrating newly arrived immigrants into Singapore society? Should the concept of multiculturalism be expanded beyond the categories of Chinese, Malays, Indians and Others to foster integration? These were some of the questions and issues raised during the recent IPS Community Leaders Integration Conference. Read the report here: […]



Tommy Koh: A Good Year Ahead… For Most

The outlook for Sino-American relations is positive, with both countries’ leaders making the effort to increase mutual confidence. Similarly, the euro zone has emerged from the recession. However, the competing sovereignty claims between China and Japan over disputed islands could cast a pall over these promising developments. […]


Chiang Wai Fong: Translation Guidelines

A society that places an importance on translation would have wider and deeper understanding of the cultures of the different communities. Having a translation policy or guideline helps to maintain multiculturalism and to ensure Singapore would not become a monolingual multi-ethnic society in the future. […]


Leong Chan-Hoong: Can Singapore Cultivate Resilience in face of Change?

With events such as the Little India riot, the haze and the graft trials of public figures and senior civil servants capturing the national consciousness in 2013, a sense of doubt and pessimism is palpable among Singaporeans. Yet, for nearly 50 years, Singaporeans have displayed remarkable resilience in the face of unwanted and unexpected change. […]


Singapore Perspectives 2014 “Differences”
Date: 28 January 2014, Shangri-La Hotel

This flagship annual conference of IPS promises to be a platform for robust discussion on the differences that define, divide and possibly unite Singapore. To learn more about the conference, please click here: […] For queries regarding registration and administrative details, please contact Ms Nur Zahidah at 6601-1420 or email: decb64_aXBzLnBlcnNwZWN0aXZlc0BudXMuZWR1LnNn_decb64

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on seniors as a key political constituency and the basic wage system. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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