
IPS Update Issue January 2012

2 Jan 2012


In the Spotlight


Highlights of 2011

2011 was an exciting year for IPS. Thank you for your support and best wishes for the new year!



2011: Year in Review

IPS Research Assistant Debbie Soon summarises key policy issues that hit the headlines in 2011. […]


What did IPS Surveys Find?

Last year, IPS released findings from its surveys on emigration attitudes of young Singaporeans, Singaporeans’ political traits and media use and two post-election surveys of voters following the General Election in May 2011 and the Presidential Election in August 2011. […]



Capacity Building in Social Gerontology and Translational Research in Asia

Together with the Council for Third Age, IPS organised the recent Asian Gerontology Experience (AGE) Workshop cum Expert Group Meeting, which brought together professionals in the field of ageing to deliberate on capacity building in training and education in Asia. […]



The World in 2011

In a column for The Straits Times, IPS Special Adviser Prof Tommy Koh reflects on lessons drawn from major world events and trends in 2011. […]


We Welcome Your Feedback

Please write to us if you have comments or views to share on IPS Update at



Singapore Perspectives 2012: Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam will headline a slate of speakers from policymaking circles, academia, business and civil society at the annual Singapore Perspectives 2012 on Monday, 16th January 2012. Held at the Suntec City Convention Centre, IPS’ flagship conference will address the theme Singapore Inclusive, Bridging Divides and hopes to engage diverse perspectives on critical issues such as economic and political change, income inequality and improved social development in key areas such as healthcare, housing and retirement funding. More information here. […]


Closed-Door Discussion on Deliberative Polling

As Singapore society matures, both government and citizens increasingly seek modes of dialogue to reach consensus on issues. Deliberative Polling is a special approach that combines the virtues mass survey and small group discussions. The opinions gathered are representative on the one hand and considered on the other. On January 12 2012, the Institute of Policy Studies and the Communication & New Media Department of NUS, together with the Civil Service College, will be organising a closed door discussion with Deliberative Polling expert Dr Robert C. Luskin to gain further insights into the process. […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the issue of ministerial salaries. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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