
IPS Update Issue February 2015

16 Feb 2015


In the Spotlight


Singapore Perspectives 2015: Choices amidst Change and Challenges

To mark Singapore’s golden jubilee this year, discussions at the Singapore Perspectives 2015 Conference were both retrospective and forward-looking. Held on 26 January, the IPS flagship conference examined the choices made to secure the country’s sovereignty and economic prosperity, and presented the possible paths ahead. The question of whether pragmatism should be retained as our governing philosophy also generated much debate.



IPS Corporate Associates Lunch: The Impact of Occupy Central on Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s Occupy Central street protests ended quietly in December 2014 but they will have a lingering impact on society and the Special Administrative Region’s ties with China. In discussing these issues with IPS Corporate Associates, Mr Fong Ngai, Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Singapore, also spoke about how the Hong Kong government is meeting the broader aspirations of its youth.


IPS-Nathan Lectures: Ho Kwon Ping on Security and Sustainability

In his third public lecture, SR Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore Ho Kwon Ping, touched on the involvement of women in National Service, Singapore’s judicial corporal punishment and the Internal Security Act, among other issues. Specific policies were examined in terms of their sustainability over the next 50 years of Singapore’s development.


Latest Books by IPS Researchers

IPS researchers contributed to three new titles that examine specific issues relating to Singapore’s society and economy. INTRACO: Blazing a trail for Singapore? studies the development of the GLC and the role it played in Singapore’s early days of development. Inequality in Singapore debates a global phenomenon that has not spared the nation state. Immigration in Singapore analyses the socio-political effects of immigration on Singapore as the population becomes increasingly diverse.


IPS Digital Frontiers Seminar on “Assessing the Rationality of Political Online Space: Man and Machine”

The cyberspace has been described as a Wild, Wild West that is partisan, irrational and vitriolic. On 11 February, IPS organised a seminar to present findings from its study that assessed the rationality of the political blogging space in Singapore. Also presented was a study by SMU on the possibilities of using computers to analyse social media. A detailed report of the seminar will be published in the next IPS newsletter.


Singapore as a Digital Village a Plausible Reality

With technology continuing to evolve, advance and impact mankind, can Singapore tap on it to be a digital village of 6.9 million and beyond? Dr Carol Soon discussed her research at the third Cities Roundtable in November 2014, convened by the Centre for Liveable Cities.



Tommy Koh: Three Wishes for the New Year

Topping the wish list for Singapore as she celebrates her 50th birthday is for the country to grow in cultural and political maturity. Singapore is of course part of a larger world and it is important for ASEAN to stay cohesive and independent. Finally, in a region unsettled by territorial disputes, peace would be desirable.


Christopher Gee: Investment Risks: The Enemy Within

People tend to over-estimate their own abilities as compared to others, be it in job performance or popularity. Financial experts are not immune to such behavioural and psychological influences and this is a point worth bearing in mind as we debate whether the Central Provident Fund system should permit greater flexibility in investment options for members.


Magdalene Choo: Singaporeans taking National Security for Granted?

A recent IPS survey on Singaporeans’ perceptions of the country’s history has uncovered a sobering finding: Singaporeans generally had a low awareness of security threats. They also accorded lower levels of importance to terrorism-related events. How can we ensure society is more vigilant?


Paveena Seah: More Work needed to get more Volunteers to Help Seniors

Singapore’s elderly population is expected to grow, and more older folk will be living alone in future. Volunteers who check on these vulnerable seniors are crucial and efforts can be made to grow this pool of individuals now.


Seminar on “SG50 and Beyond: Singapore’s Skills Training Systems” and Book Launch of A Breakthrough in Vocational and Technical Education
Date: 17 February 2015

This event marks the publication of a book on the successful reform process of the country’s vocational training system written by the first CEO of ITE, Dr Law Song Seng. Also to be featured at the event are a panel discussion on strengthening Singapore’s applied education pathways, a dialogue session with Minister of State Indranee Rajah and ITE hosted tours of the ITE College Central’s training facilities. 

IPS Corporate Associates Lunch with Minister Tan Chuan-Jin
Date: 27 February 2015

The Budget 2015 speech will be delivered on 23 February. Ahead of the Committee of Supply debate, Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin will discuss the key elements and objectives of Budget 2015 in a closed-door session with IPS Corporate Associates. 

IPS-Nathan Lectures: Demography and Family
Date: 4 March 2015

Ho Kwon Ping, the S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, will discuss Singapore’s demographic trends and examine issues pertaining to the concept of family in his fourth IPS-Nathan Lecture. 

Applications open for the 10th annual Senior Management Programme at LKYSPP

The four-week programme specially designed for leaders in government, non-profit organisations and corporate bodies will take place from 18 May to 12 June 2015.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on CPF Advisory Panel’s recommendations, the recent Fernvale columbarium incident, and the Hong Kong government’s latest population blueprint. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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The IPS newsletter team comprises Chang Zhi Yang, Sim Jui Liang, Tan Chween Tah and Lynn Lee. To contact them, please e-mail 