
IPS Update Issue February 2014

17 Feb 2014


In the Spotlight


Singapore Perspectives 2014: Harnessing our Differences for the Greater Good

On 28 January 2014, IPS held its annual flagship conference Singapore Perspectives with the theme “Differences”. Speakers, including Education Minister Heng Swee Keat, put forth their views on addressing and managing the differences that exist and those that are emerging as a result of trends in immigration, new media and globalisation. Read the summary report and reflections here. […]



Panel Studies and their Implications for Policymaking

IPS Social Lab will embark on its flagship project of a longitudinal study of 5,000 households this year. Known as the Panel Study on Social Dynamics (PSSD), the project is expected to provide policymakers and researchers a wealth of resources to conduct detailed studies on family dynamics in Singapore. […]



Carol Soon: The Curious Case of Anton Casey in Cyberspace

The Anton Casey case is the latest in a string of recent social media incidents that reflects a glaring lack of sense and sensibility in cyberspace. A stronger message has to drive home the importance of self-preservation and that we have to bear the offline consequences of our online actions. […]


Chiang Wai Fong: Taking Sides

While Singaporeans generally do not seem to attribute the Little India riot to ethnic culture or behaviour, it is fruitful to look at the management of ethnic conflict in public spaces. The reason being, the public space promotes resilience-building – it is through deep interactions and even constructive collisions of ideas that fears and anxieties about cultural differences are reduced. […]


Tan Min-Wei: Insights from Upcoming IPS Working Paper on Nordic Welfare States

The idea of a more welfare-oriented state has been floated on numerous occasions in Singapore. We could learn much by studying the Nordic states and their strong welfare state models. Besides sound financing planning, the experience of Nordic countries tells us that for any welfare model to be successful, the citizens play an important part. […]


IPS Corporate Associates Breakfast
Date: 26 February 2014

Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport, Mrs Josephine Teo, will helm a dialogue on the key considerations that have shaped Budget 2014, and how the initiatives that have been announced will allow the Government to achieve its priorities for Singapore. Read more […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on whether xenophobia is a growing problem, the social impetus behind the Private Members’ Bills and the influence of cultural traditions on Singapore’s birth rates. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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