
IPS Update Issue February 2012

1 Feb 2012


In the Spotlight


Close to 800 participants attended Singapore Perspectives 2012: Singapore Inclusive, Bridging Divides, IPS annual flagship conference. Over three sessions, perspectives on how government and citizens should respond to issues such as widening income inequality, an emerging “new normal” in politics, and the question of a new social compact were shared. Concluding the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam engaged in dialogue with participants on social and economic strategies the government would pursue to bridge divides and forge an inclusive society. See highlights of Singapore Perspectives 2012 here. […]



Janadas Devan: Inclusive Singapore a Collective National Effort

In 1969, Mr Lee Kuan Yew said that “developing the economy, increasing productivity, increasing returns – these make sense only when fair play and fair shares make it worth everyone’s while to put in his share of effort for group survival and group prosperity.” These words remain as true today as they did 42 years ago. […]


Singapore Perspectives 2012 Background Paper: 
Inequality and the Need for a New Social Compact

IPS invited a panel of economists to share their views on income inequality and provoke thought among conference speakers and participants. Their paper argues that Singapore’s policy framework needs systemic change in order to respond adequately to rising challenges of income inequality, which has brought on significant ill effects. While work remains as the foundation of a good society, authors outline principles by which policy changes can be approached, and suggest a “rethink of the social compact” between the state and individual citizens. […]



Gillian Koh: The Incalculable Value of Public Service

The discussion of what Singapore pays its political office-holders should be de-linked from the virtue of their public service to improve the lives of fellow citizens and the nation. […]


Tommy Koh: A Man who Loved Singapore

The forgotten contribution of Mr Karel Van Kleef, a Dutch benefactor who bequeathed his entire estate to Singapore when he died in 1930, is remembered. […]



Breakthrough: Roadmap for Singapore’s Political Future examines the political landscape leading to the outcomes of the 2011 general election, and provides an analysis of how political parties might navigate the future. […]


Proceedings from the Fifteenth Singapore Economic Roundtable are now available. The roundtable convened leading economists, policy makers and business leaders to discuss developments affecting Singapore’s economic outlook, and featured a special session focused on industrial policy. […]


IPS has been ranked 9th among the top 30 Think Tanks in Asia, in the 2011 Global Go To Think Tanks Report, compiled by the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Read more here. […]



Former President SR Nathan will share his insights on the wide range of issues dealt with in his illustrious career at an exclusive dialogue with IPS Corporate Associates on 22 February 2012. […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the issue of public service salaries. To read their comments, click here

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