
IPS Update Issue August 2016

17 Aug 2016


In the Spotlight


IPS Conference on Managing Diversity in Singapore

Welcoming what is new and foreign into our island has meant that Singaporeans, who have become accustomed to a set number of diversities which are neatly categorised and presented, have had to accept that these are in a state of flux. Earlier this month, some 200 scholars, policymakers and community leaders came together to discuss the realities, potentials and challenges of increasing diversity in Singapore.



IPS Working Papers No. 25: Protecting the public space in the new era of Singaporean pluralism

How can we practise democratic values when discussing highly-contentious issues, especially when positions seem irreducible and conflict, ineradicable? An IPS project on the new Singaporean pluralism provides some suggestions.


IPS-NYC Roundtable on Open Collaboration in the Social Services

The recent IPS-NYC Open Collaboration Roundtable brought together policymakers, voluntary welfare organisation representatives, philanthropists, researchers and technologists to discuss new ways of collaboration, especially for needs assessment initiatives.



Managing Singapore’s New Diversities
By Mathew Mathews

Singapore has become more socially diverse, much of it because of how the country is positioned at the intersection of global flows. How should policymakers better seek to deal with our new diversities and aspirations for greater inclusion?


Voters Matter in Building a Healthy Electioneering Culture 
By Cassandra Choo

The aftermath and the result of the Brexit campaign had made many people question the slogans used by the “Leave” campaign. It begs the question of determining objective truths from politicians. Voters have to be more discerning when examining the speeches of politicians, and at the same time demand better behaviour and accountability from them.


Dinner at the White House
By Tommy Koh

A White House state dinner is a grand occasion combining pomp, elegance and symbolism. IPS Special Adviser Tommy Koh, a former Singapore Ambassador to the United States of America, recounted the last time a Singapore leader attended such a state dinner. It was in 1985 and former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was hosted by President Ronald Reagan. 


The Great Powers and the Rule of Law
By Tommy Koh

In a response to the renowned political science scholar Graham Allison, IPS Special Adviser Tommy Koh argued that international legal institutions for dispute management are not only for small powers; great powers also comply with international law and the rule of law because it serves their interests.


IPS Corporate Associates Lunch with Mr Raj Thampuran on “A*STAR, driving innovation and being future ready”
Date: 26 August 2016, Time: 12.15 pm – 2.00 pm

How is Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) driving innovation and developing R&D capabilities in Singapore? Dr Raj Thampuran, Managing Director of A*STAR, will talk about how R&D and innovation can take Singapore forward.

Young Singaporeans (Un)Conference 2016: “What’s Good” 
Date: 21 September 2016, Time: 9.30 am – 7.30 pm

Amidst growing complexity, the question of what society values and how we respond to difference has become more relevant than ever. This year’s Young Singaporeans Conference adopts an “Open Space” format, focusing on participant-driven exchanges and encouraging participants to develop critical responses to complex issues from the ground-up.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers commented on the employment of people with disabilities, the financial literacy of CPF investors, and the political participation of baby boomers.

To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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