
IPS Update Issue August 2015

17 Aug 2015


In the Spotlight


Understanding Survey Participation

What factors motivate people to participate in surveys? The IPS Social Lab set out to explore this through a series of focus group discussions, and found that among other things, respondents see themselves as “drivers of change”. They are curious to know how their responses are used, and are keen to be updated on the findings. IPS Social Lab recently completed the first wave of the Singapore Panel Study on Social Dynamics (PSSD) with 5,000 respondents. The PSSD is Singapore’s first long-term study of family structures and relationships.



IPS Closed-Door Discussion on the 2015 National Values Assessment for Singapore

Findings from the 2015 National Values Assessment for Singapore, which studied the views of Singaporeans of society and workplaces, were presented. Participants at the discussion spoke of the changing values of the Singapore society and the ways to improve employee engagement for better well-being and performance.


Two New Publications: Social Stratification in Singapore; Insights and Hopes for Singapore in 2065

Two publications on Singapore were released in the last month. Class and Social Orientations: Key Findings From The Social Stratification Survey 2011 looks at the changes in Singaporeans’ socio-political orientations since 2001. Singapore 2065: Leading Insights on Economy and Environment from 50 Singapore Icons and Beyond asked over 50 individuals to offer their insights on the country’s future.



Tommy Koh: Letter to my Grandchildren in 2065

While the world and Singapore will most probably experience dramatic changes over the next 50 years, there are some values, beliefs and customs so important that should be timeless. Encompassing love, kindness, loyalty and friendship; these are qualities that Singaporeans should not lose even as they face into the future.


Gillian Koh: Scaling the Mount Everest of Aspirations

No one knows how the emerging geopolitical, economic, ecological and governance trends will shape Singapore’s future. But some things are clear. At 50, Singaporeans are people of choice, and we need to boldly take advantage of opportunities made available by these trends, to become people with strategic purpose.


Tan Tarn How and Loh Chin Ee: Out with Tuition and in with a Reading Nation

Reading and not tuition is the key to helping children achieve better grades and lead a more flourishing life by opening up the mind and heart. But while more national initiatives should be introduced to encourage better reading habits, it is parents who can directly cultivate their children’s love for reading.


Mathew Mathews: Ensuring Minorities will always have Stake in S’pore

Singapore’s multicultural harmony did not happen by chance. It is the result of discerning public policy that is aware of the importance of accommodating minority needs. Yet successful minorities can play a part too, by extending their help to support others who are trying to negotiate their minority position.


Varian Lim and Elaine Ho: What the MRT really means to S’poreans

The public’s critical reactions to the spate of MRT breakdowns highlight that to many Singaporeans, the MRT system is not just a form of transport but also a touchpoint for the nation’s success since independence. As an integral part of national history and an emblem of national pride, it is important to uphold the efficiency of the public transport system.


Digital Frontiers Seminar: “The Power of Self-solving in the Singapore Digital Village: Sharing Economy as a Case Study”
Date: 18 September 2015

IPS Research Fellow Carol Soon has proposed the idea of Singapore as a digital village, where people use technology to solve common problems collectively. This seminar explores the different microcosms of digital villages, and examines the innovations and challenges surrounding them.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the upcoming General Election, implications of technology and social media on Singapore politics, and the values that form the Singapore identity. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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