
IPS Update Issue April 2017

18 Apr 2017


In the Spotlight

P1_1804172016/17 IPS-Nathan Lectures: Lecture I – Hunting Black Swans and Taming Black Elephants: Governance in a Complex World

What do black swans and black elephants have to do with governance? Mr Peter Ho, 2016/17 S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore, gave his first IPS-Nathan Lecture on 5 April 2017. Check out the highlights of the event in this report. (The full text of his lecture is available here.)



(The Straits Times)
By Carol Soon

IPS Senior Research Fellow Dr Carol Soon observes that some campaigns resonate with segments of Singapore society and gain traction in local and foreign media, while others fade into oblivion. The secret sauce could lie in the framing of a message that speaks to different audiences.


By Shawn Goh

IPS Research Assistant Shawn Goh asserts that fake news deserves close scrutiny by public policy-makers, who want to address a community’s concerns before it becomes estranged. For one, it is telling of how people make sense of their reality. “It can reveal people’s fears, the problems they face, and their attitudes towards others.”


(The Straits Times)
By Christopher Gee

Roles such as full-time caregivers of children and elderly people are important to individuals and society as a whole, but remain undervalued in our market economy. This can be changed with formal recognition and accounting for the time put in by such individuals. IPS Senior Research Fellow Christopher Gee explores the principles behind such a system.


P5_180417Doing Business in China: Lunch Dialogue with Mr Lim Ming Yan of CapitaLand

China’s rise to become the second largest economy in the world has been phenomenal, both in scale as well as speed. What are the challenges and risks that Singapore companies should consider when expanding to China? Mr Lim Ming Yan, President and Group Chief Executive Officer of CapitaLand Limited, joined IPS Corporate Associates to share his insights on navigating the business landscape in China.

P6_180417IPS Closed-Door Discussion on Preparing for the Future Economy: Building a Sustainable Workforce

With rapid technological advancements, it has become increasingly challenging to anticipate and meet the demands of the future economy. This Closed-Door Discussion on 31 March gathered stakeholders from various sectors to discuss labour issues related to the future economy, including the role of training and private education.

P7_180417Roles of the 3Ps in the Development of Arts and Culture

Why are the arts heavily funded by government in many European and other countries, but draw overwhelming support from private foundations in the United States of America? What are the implications of this for cooperation between the people, public and private sectors? This was the subject of a study commissioned by the then Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts to IPS. The full report has been released for the first time here.


Dialogue with Mr Roland Rudd, Chairman of Open Britain, on “The Road to Brexit: Why does it matter to Asia?”
Date: 19 April 2017, Time: 2.15pm – 3.15pm

Article 50 was triggered on 29 March 2017, and the United Kingdom is slated to leave the EU by March 2019. What does the future hold for the UK and why should Asia be interested? Is Brexit part of a global trend towards populism and economic nationalism, or simply an example of a nation “taking back control”?

2016/17 IPS-Nathan Lectures, Lecture III: The Paradox of Singapore and the Dialectic of Governance
Date: 3 May 2017, Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm

This lecture will examine the paradox of Singapore’s extreme vulnerability and exceptional performance, and show why maintaining the resulting tension is key to Singapore’s survival. It will also discuss the dialectic of governance in Singapore, where diverse perspectives and ideas are allowed to surface and considered robustly, so as to find balanced and pragmatic solutions to problems encountered.

2016/17 IPS-Nathan Lectures, Lecture IV: The Future: Governance, Unintended Consequences, and the Redemption of Hope
Date: 17 May 2017, Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm

The future cannot be predicted. But it is the business of government to prepare for the future. How can governments maximise the chances of good outcomes, and generate optimism for the future? This fourth lecture draws the threads of the previous three lectures, and concludes by providing some pointers for the future.

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers commented on fake news and the future of Singapore’s civil service in the past month.
To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here


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