
IPS Update Issue April 2013

30 Apr 2013


In the Spotlight


The last YSC, one of IPS’s flagship programmes, saw young Singaporeans exchanging their opinions on the theme of happiness as individuals and the nation as a whole. Read the report here […] and the illustrated graphic report here. […]



Carol Soon: Collective Identity and Political Bloggers’ Activism

What other factors come into play in one’s decision-making concerning activism? How can commonality and a collective identity be fostered? How do Singaporean activist and non-activist bloggers distinguish themselves and how do blogging practices aid in this differentiation? […]



Tommy Koh: My Faith in India

Giving an overview of India post-independence, Koh maps out factors that have contributed to India’s current progress. From Nehru’s legacy to embracing reforms in the 90s, today’s India has produced companies such as Arcelor that are world-class. Finally, he discusses contemporary challenges facing the nation and how these can be addressed. […]


Christopher Gee: A Changing Order of Priorities

With an increasing ageing population, how have public funds been prioritised to suit current national priorities? Besides the defence budget, how have housing, education and health budgets been reshuffled? Lastly, how can this window period be used to re-think principles by which these social services are delivered to improve the infrastructural landscape? […]


Tommy Koh: China and Japan: Frenemies?

The Senkaku/Diaoyu issue has contributed to frayed ties between China and Japan. By revisiting shared connections via historical affinities, the 1978 peace treaty and their closely tied economies, can both nations overcome current prejudices? Lastly, what are some non-legal options that can take place to ease the predicament? […]

IPS in the News

IPS Researchers comment on the need for emotional commitment from immigrants to be accepted into the Singaporean community. To read their comments, click here

For media coverage of IPS seminars and lectures, click here

New this month at IPSCommons: Re-looking negative perceptions on public policies and governance in Singapore, re-conceptualising the electoral system reform for a more inclusive Singapore, ideas on healthcare for the elderly and more.


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