
Embracing Every Hue

30 Nov 2023

Cultural Night 2023

What made you join the Organising Committee for LKYSPP Cultural Night 2023?

It all began during the first week of school. I thought I was signing up for the LKYSPP Cultural Night 2023 when I scanned a QR code shown during orientation. But, oops, it turned out that I had signed up to be part of the organising committee instead! Although I was initially surprised, I then became excited. In the coming weeks, I met the rest of the committee, comprising students from all programmes, who were as excited to make this night a most memorable one.

Our Organising Committee had one goal for the LKYSPP Cultural Night 2023: we wanted the academic year to start off with a most fun and colourful party to remember.

Describe one of the challenges that the committee faced

We had our work cut out for us from the start. One of our main challenges was working around everyone’s busy schedules. Despite this, we found ways to connect and work together as a team using online meetings.

What was the inspiration behind this year's theme?

The committee wanted everyone to enjoy celebrating Cultural Night together no matter what our backgrounds are. We settled on "Borderless" as our theme, as we wanted the event to convey a feeling of home for everyone, and one where they could share more about their culture and forge friendships without any barriers.

To reflect and celebrate our school’s diversity, the Committee used multiple colours. Our publicity collaterals, such as physical posters and emails, included greetings in multiple languages.

Cultural Night 2023 Email

In addition, similar to last year's Cultural Night, we wanted to encourage more interaction between everyone and the respective booths. Hence, we decided to distribute postcards this year, where participants could collect messages on their postcards from each booth, allowing them to bring home a personal memory from the night.

Signed Cultural Night 2023 Postcard

Cultural Night 2023 Postcard

Overview of LKYSPP Cultural Night 2023

When the day of the Cultural Night rolled around, the place was buzzing right from the start. Performers came early to perfect their performances, ready to put on a great show despite feeling tired from their examinations earlier on during the day.

Wefie with Dean at the Indonesia booth

The booths were something else! Some booths brought back nostalgic old-school snack shops we all loved as kids. Meanwhile, others were decorated in the prettiest decorations that displayed their cultures alongside fun, hands-on activities such as fan painting and writing your name in another language, amongst many others. By the time it was 5 pm, it felt like a big international family gathering when everyone started to arrive in their traditional outfits.

Group Photo at the India booth

Group Photo at the Vietnam booth

Activity at the China booth

Of course, what better way to liven the night than with stage performances showcasing our cultural heritage in song and dance with such energy and enthusiasm that both performers and audience joined?

Enjoying Cultural Night 2023

MCs for Cultural Night 2023

Students put up cultural performances at Cultural Night 2023

That night, we were a family from all over the globe, sharing our way of life and having a blast. It's a night we'll all remember for a long time, filled with laughter, music, and friendship.

What is one tip that you would like to give to the Organising Committee of Cultural Night 2024?

To the next team planning Cultural Night for 2024, here’s a tip: start early, be ready for surprises, and ensure everyone is excited to take part. Cultural Night is all about us coming together to celebrate.

I can't sign off without giving a huge shout out to the entire committee, the Academic Affairs staff, and everyone who brought their energy to this event. All of you are the heartbeat of Cultural Night.

Cultural Night 2023 Organising Committee

So, let us keep this tradition going strong, remembering the fun times and new friends from every part of our big LKYSPP family.

I can’t wait for next year's party! See you there!
Bessie Maki He

Master in International Affairs Candidate