A 2020 study by Stanford University acknowledged the citation impact of our LKYSPP faculty.
The study considered two separate rankings, first in citation impact for the year 2020, and second for lifetime citation impact. In each of these rankings, two LKYSPP faculty members placed in the top 1% of scientists worldwide: They are Danny Quah, Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics, and Dean; and Ben Cashore, Li Ka Shing Professor in Public Management and Director, the Public Policy Initiative for Environment and Sustainability (PPIES).
Another two faculty came in the top 2% for citation impact for the year 2020: Vu Minh Khuong, Associate Professor; and Araz Taeihagh, Assistant Professor.
To obtain these worldwide rankings of scientists, John Ioannidis at Stanford and his team analysed data from Scopus to generate a composite citation index incorporating achievement standards across a range of disciplines. The study was published by Elsevier BV.