Book Launch

Cancelled: Too Small to Fail: Why Some Small Nations Outperform Larger Ones and How They Are Reshaping the World

In lieu of the current situation on the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, it is truly regrettable that we cancel this event as the crowd size, in close proximity, may increase unnecessary risks.
Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Small, nimble, successful nations such as Singapore took nine out of the top ten spots in IMD’s most recent Global Competitiveness Report. The same nations dominate rankings among other important metrics, such as innovation, PISA scores, Co2 emissions, even happiness. Please join us for what promises to be a stimulating geo-political discussion!  The preface of the book was written by Veteran diplomat and Ambassador-at-Large Prof Tommy Koh.
Seminar Room 1-2,
Li Ka Shing Building,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Wed 12 February 2020
05:15 PM - 06:30 PM

Prof. Dr. R. James Breiding

Prof. Dr. R. James Breiding

Author, Too Small to Fail

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