
Symposium on Sustainable Seas: Bridging Gaps, Fostering Solutions

Delve into the heart of environmental challenges, examining critical issues in plastics, blue carbon, and the pivotal role of mangroves. Gain insights from both research perspectives and impact-driven initiatives.

Explore the ongoing and future efforts in managing sustainability challenges and complexities, with real-world examples on significant advances and their outcomes.

Discuss critical gaps in policy pathways, paving the way for effective and enduring impacts on ocean sustainability as we identify the training and dialogues needed to foster collaboration and drive meaningful change.

Webinar (Zoom)
Mon 11 March 2024
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Mr Carl Gustaf Lundin

Mr Carl Gustaf Lundin

Senior Vice President, Leidar

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Ms Uma Sachidhanandam

Ms Uma Sachidhanandam

Director of Conservation and Science, WWF Singapore

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Dr Ryan Merrill

Dr Ryan Merrill

Founder and Executive Secretary, Global Mangrove Trust

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Ms Dini Sandys

Ms Dini Sandys

Deputy Head (Operations, Practice and Impacts), Institute for Environment and Sustainability