Career Development Workshop

Resume Writing & Cover Letter Workshop

This workshop will

  • Enable the participants to understand the key purpose of the resume in the job search process
  • Enable the participants to craft a competency-based resume and employer-targeted cover letters that will give them a head-start in their job/internship search
  • Help the participants to avoid pitfalls and common mistakes when writing resume and cover letters


  • Technique of indicating the transferable skills on resume using the S.T.A.R framework
  • Identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) required for a job
  • Identify the industry-specific skills required for their respective discipline
  • Technique of indicating the KSA on the resume
  • Write S.T.A.R statements using sample job descriptions from job advertisements (actual job adverts from the different discipline)
Innovation Room
Fri 7 April 2017
02:30 PM - 05:30 PM

Heng Teng Teng

Heng Teng Teng

Principal Career and Leadership Coach