

As the corporate world copes with economic uncertainty, the welfare sector that meets the needs of the poor and disadvantaged feels the effects of that more acutely. This is exacerbated by the fact that the burdens that such people face probably increase during downturns. IPS is convening a closed-door roundtable discussion on how to deepen a culture of philanthropy in Singapore that promotes sustained, strategic giving to ride through the good and bad times.


Conference Room (Level 1), Oei Tiong Ham Building

Tue 29 June 2010
02:15 PM - 05:15 PM

Mr Stanley Tan

Mr Stanley Tan

Chairman of the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, and Vice-President of MILK (Mainly I Love Kids)

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Mr Ngiam Shih Chun

Mr Ngiam Shih Chun

Director of Community Relations and Engagement Division, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

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Mrs Fang Ai Lian

Mrs Fang Ai Lian

Chairman of Great Eastern Holdings Limited

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Mr Benedict Cheong

Mr Benedict Cheong

Chief Executive Officer of Temasek Foundation, and Fellow of the Civil Service College in Singapore

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