Alumni Event

LKYSPP Shanghai Alumni Chapter Co-Held China-Singapore Urban Sustainability Exchange Forum

On May 22, LKYSPP Shanghai Alumni Chapter and Singapore Chamber of Commerce Shanghai co-hosted the China-Singapore Urban Sustainability Exchange Forum, featuring a distinguished panel of speakers from diverse fields within the urban sustainability industry. The esteemed lineup included representatives from Greenland Holdings, a renowned real estate developer; OCBC China, a multinational banking and financial services corporation; Surbana Jurong Group, a global urban, infrastructure, and managed services consulting firm; ColourFellas Asia, premier digital content platform promoting contemporary art, design and culture within Asia; Green Alpha Capital, a global joint venture capital platform; and Signify, the world leader in lighting. The event also welcomed an esteemed group of attendees, including LKYSPP Shanghai alumni, and members of SingCham Shanghai. The event commenced with opening remarks from Ms. Zou Fang, Full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA), Mr. Chua Teng Hoe, Singapore Consul-General in Shanghai, Mr. William Chang, Vice-Chairman and Secretary General of SingCham Shanghai, and Mr. Geng Jing, President of LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter.

China-Singapore Urban Sustainability Exchange Forum

The China-Singapore Urban Sustainability Exchange Forum served as an invaluable platform for fostering technology and innovation learning, sharing, exchange and collaboration. This event highlighted the shared commitment of both nations towards achieving a sustainable future, and underscored the importance of deepening cross-border cooperation to tackle the pressing challenges we face today. As we look to the future, it is our hope that the relationships and partnerships forged during this forum will continue to thrive and lead to meaningful collaborations.
Wed 22 May 2024
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM