You are thinking of securing a job, you may even hold a current position. And you desire the idea of working in a dierent organization, or even another sector. From a consultant in a private sector to an advocate in a non-prot organization or from a non-prot to a government sector – know the essential dierences (assumptions, myths and expectations) across the sectors to make a more informed decision for job hunting and excel. Highly interactive and relevant, we will explore sectorial knowledge from everyone present in the room and knowledge from partnership brokering.
This workshop will cover the following areas
A) Brief on job hunting strategies
B) Aligning Personal Values/ Motivations into Organizational Values
C) Highly interactive and shared learning on Sectorial Knowledge
- What are the preconceptions and assumptions of each sector?
- What are their drivers and what benets might they derive?
- What are the real challenges in each sector that you need to know before the job?
* TEST your informed realities (and challenges) before switching careers