The IPS Social Inclusion Policy Network is part of the renewed impetus to tackle the problem of inequality in Singapore. Its objectives are to gather experts, public intellectuals and social service practitioners on an on-going basis first, to unearth, examine and conduct applied policy research on social mobility, mixing and inclusion that is relevant to Singapore; and second, to catalyse practical forms of intervention as well as generate public policy recommendations to foster greater social inclusion.
The network will address these issues on three tracks, each headed up by a convener from IPS: Economy and the Workplace led by Dr Faizal Yahya; Education led by Dr Mathew Mathews; and Urban Planning and Housing led by Dr Leong Chan Hoong.
The second meeting, held on Tuesday, 16 April, will be hosted by the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC). It will feature two plenary sessions – first, on the framework of social assistance policy in Singapore today; and second, on the prospects of enhancing senior volunteerism in Singapore.
This will be followed by breakout sessions in which participants will be grouped according to the track they select. Within these tracks, participants will be invited to discuss in detail the needs on the ground, suggest research that would be helpful and propose new interventions to be piloted.