By gathering location data and other personal information, digital surveillance and data-gathering tools have helped countries like China and South Korea manage the spread of COVID-19.
Now, more are following suit. According to Linklaters, some 28 countries have already deployed contact-tracing apps. Australia is one of the latest, having recently introduced a mobile app modelled after Singapore’s TraceTogether, which informs subscribers if they have been in close proximity to someone recently diagnosed with COVID-19.
Tech giants Apple and Google will also be launching a series of updates to their smartphone operating systems to allow iOS and Android phones to exchange anonymised data.
However, in Singapore as it is elsewhere, there are lingering concerns among the public about data sovereignty, privacy and security. One month after the government launched TraceTogether, about 20% of the population has subscribed to it, far short of the 75% required for it to be effective.
The use of personal data for public good has broad and long-term implications beyond COVID-19.
- What are the barriers to Singaporeans’ willingness to contribute their personal data even in a public health and security crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic?
- How should the concerns of users regarding data breaches or misuse be addressed effectively?
- Should people be obliged, by law for instance, to do so for the public good?
- How should this public good be defined?
Dr Carol Soon, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Society and Culture, Institute of Policy Studies will be discussing these issues with the following panellists:
- Associate Professor Jung Won Sonn, The Bartlett School of Planning, Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London
- Ms Teo Yi-Ling, Senior Fellow, Centre of Excellence for National Security, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
- Mr Christopher Gee, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Governance and Economy, Institute of Policy Studies
Here is the
result of the informal poll by OPPI.
To read the summary of the event, click
Report on IPS Online Forum on Private Data, Public Good?Media Coverage•
CNA. 2020.
Singapore Tonight. 13 May.
Phoenix TV. 2020.
新加坡手机应用追踪与病患接触人士. 13 May.
South China Morning Post. 2020.
Coronavirus: why aren’t Singapore residents using the TraceTogether contact-tracing app?. 18 May.
TODAY. 2020.
Covid-19: Governance expert says TraceTogether should be mandatory, but warns of potential ‘slippery slope’ of greater surveillance. 14 May.
联合早报. 2020.
学者:疫情当前社会应思考 分享个人资料是否属公民责任. 14 May.