IPS-Nathan Lecture

IPS-Nathan Lectures by Mr Ravi Menon — Lecture III: "An Inclusive Society"

The Singapore Synthesis: Innovation, Inclusion, Inspiration by Mr Ravi Menon

The Singapore Synthesis of markets and government; meritocracy and equality; and international orientation and national identity has underpinned the country’s remarkable journey from third world to first. In this four-part lecture series, 9th S R Nathan Fellow Mr Ravi Menon will examine how Singapore’s approach will come under pressure from four tectonic shifts altering the global landscape. Although relevant, Singapore’s guiding ethos of adaptation, meritocracy, and pragmatism may no longer be sufficient. To secure our future, we will need more innovation, inclusion, inspiration. What does an innovative economy look like? What does it take to create a more inclusive society? What does it mean to be an inspiring nation? How does it all hold together in a refreshed Singapore Synthesis?

An Inclusive Society
Is meritocracy, which has expanded opportunities for Singaporeans and helped to provide equity with growth for generations, at risk of creating new stratifications? Is there scope for a more enlightened meritocracy that is consistent with a more inclusive society? What changes might be necessary in the labour market and the tax system? What is workable and will not create unintended consequences? What about looking out for the least among us?

Ms Chua Mui Hoong, Associate Editor of The Straits Times, will be moderating the Q&A session of this lecture.

To find out more about Mr Ravi Menon, the 9th S R Nathan Fellow, click here.

Click here to read the event summary.

Media Coverage
• Bloomberg. 2021. MAS Chief Menon Says Wealth Tax May Be Needed in Singapore: ST. 22 July.
International Investment. 2021. Inheritance tax 'on the cards' in Singapore says MAS chief. 23 July.
Law360. 2021. Singapore's Bank Chief Floats Wealth Tax To Tackle Inequality. 23 July.
Malay Mail. 2021. Is it time for Singapore to tax property gains?. 25 July.
• Tamil Seithi. 2021. அதிகரிக்கும் சொத்துச் செல்வ இடைவெளியைச் சமாளிக்க சொத்துச் செல்வ வரி பரிந்துரை. 23 July.
• The Independent Singapore. 2021. MAS’ Ravi Menon: Minimum wage can be considered to uplift those with lowest income. 25 July.
• The Online Citizen. 2021. S’pore should seriously study minimum wage as complement to PWM, says MAS chief. 23 July.
• The Online Citizen. 2021. Netizens support MAS chief’s suggestion to do away with PMET classifications. 27 July.

• The Standard. 2021. Ravi Menon floats idea of taxing Singapore's wealth. 22 July.
• The Straits Times. 2021. MAS chief says wealth tax could tackle wealth inequality in Singapore. 22 July.
• The Straits Times. 2021. Consider minimum wage as a complement to progressive wage model: MAS chief. 22 July.

The Straits Times. 2021. Professionalise all jobs, do away with PMET categories: MAS chief. 24 July.
• The Straits Times. 2021. How to reclaim jobs for locals. 27 July.

Zaobao. 2021. 孟文能:最低工资制与渐进式薪金模式可相辅相成. 24 July.

Thu 22 July 2021
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Mr Ravi Menon

Mr Ravi Menon

9th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore

More about speaker

Ms Chua Mui Hoong

Ms Chua Mui Hoong

Associate Editor of The Straits Times

More About Chairperson