IPS-Nathan Lecture

IPS-Nathan Lectures by Mr Ravi Menon — Lecture I: "The Four Horsemen"

The Singapore Synthesis: Innovation, Inclusion, Inspiration by Mr Ravi Menon

The Singapore Synthesis of markets and government; meritocracy and equality; and international orientation and national identity has underpinned the country’s remarkable journey from third world to first. In this four-part lecture series, 9th S R Nathan Fellow Mr Ravi Menon will examine how Singapore’s approach will come under pressure from four tectonic shifts altering the global landscape. Although relevant, Singapore’s guiding ethos of adaptation, meritocracy, and pragmatism may no longer be sufficient. To secure our future, we will need more innovation, inclusion, inspiration. What does an innovative economy look like? What does it take to create a more inclusive society? What does it mean to be an inspiring nation? How does it all hold together in a refreshed Singapore Synthesis? 

The Four Horsemen
Like the four horsemen of the apocalypse, four fundamental changes are sweeping across the world and challenging the old order: demographics, inequality, technology, and climate. Together, they will precipitate the biggest economic and societal transformation the world has seen since the Industrial Revolution. What do these changes mean for Singapore? Do they portend stagnation or do they carry the seeds of a new beginning?
Professor Danny Quah, Dean and Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, will be moderating the Q&A session of this lecture.

To find out more about Mr Ravi Menon, the 9th S R Nathan Fellow, click here.

Click here to read the event summary.

Media Coverage
Bloomberg. 2021. Singapore Central Bank Chief Says Immigration Key to Labor Force. 7 July.
• PropertyGuru. 2021. Increasing property prices a key driver in worsening wealth inequality: MAS Chief. 8 July.
• The Business Times. 2021. Pandemic resilience can be a source of competitive advantage for Singapore: Ravi Menon. 7 July.
• The Independent Singapore,. 2021. MAS’ Ravi Menon: Immigration and the intake of foreign workers, ‘one of the more effective ways’ to address workforce shortage. 8 July.
• The Straits Times. 2021. Pandemic resilience can be source of competitive advantage for Singapore: MAS chief. 7 July.
• The Straits Times. 2021. S'pore must take bold decisive moves to thrive in the green economy: Ravi Menon. 7 July.
• TODAY. 2021. Rising property prices a key driver in wealth inequality, ills of ‘hereditary meritocracy’ exist: Ravi Menon. 7 July.
• Zaobao. 2021. 全球数码领域需建立布雷顿森林体系. 7 月 7 日.
• Zaobao. 2021. 孟文能:为制定国际数据流通标准 世界需要数码化布雷顿森林体系. 7 月 8 日.

Wed 7 July 2021
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Mr Ravi Menon

Mr Ravi Menon

9th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore

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Professor Danny Quah

Professor Danny Quah

Dean and Li Ka Shing Professor in Economics, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

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