IPS-Nathan Lecture

IPS-Nathan Lectures by Dr Cheong Koon Hean: Lecture III (“Shaping The Future of Heartland Living”)

The Context
Rapid urbanisation has brought with it a whole set of urban challenges for cities as they face unmet demand for housing, social services and utilities and infrastructure. In addition, cities have to contend with growing complexity and disruptions from changes in population demographics, climate change, the economy, new technology and people’s aspirations and expectations. For Singapore, such challenges are further exacerbated by our land and resource constraints.

The Theme
The 5th IPS-Nathan lecture series is themed, Seeking A Better Urban Future. Dr Cheong examines how cities deal with their urban challenges to create a better urban life for their citizens. In particular, she will discuss the considerations needed to plan and develop Singapore in the face of rapid change and uncertainty.

Lecture III:  Shaping The Future of Heartland Living
With more than 80% of the population living in public housing, the quality of the living environment in our HDB heartlands establishes the concept of `home’ for the Singaporean like no other. HDB towns too will be affected by the many trends that disrupt cities. How do we think differently about the new generation of HDB towns and renew existing ones, to address these trends? What are the useful ideas and technologies that can be harnessed to shape heartland living for the better?



Media Coverage

Auditorium, Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 
National University of Singapore, 
11 Kent Ridge Drive Singapore 119244

Mon 23 April 2018
06:15 PM - 07:45 PM

Dr Cheong Koon Hean

Dr Cheong Koon Hean

5th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore

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