Corporate Associates Event

IPS Corporate Associates One-table Dinner with Ms Chan Lai Fung

The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) drives mission-oriented research that advances scientific discovery and develops technological innovation to further economic growth and improve lives. It serves to bridge the gap between academia and industry, through active collaboration with public and private sector partners, and the development of talents and leaders for the research community and industry. A*STAR’s work spans a wide spectrum of industries, ranging from manufacturing, electronics and engineering; infocomms; medical technology; food, nutrition and consumer care; to pharmaceuticals and biologics.

Join Ms Chan Lai Fung, Chairman of A*STAR, as she shares more about A*STAR’s journey and how partnerships with the business community can benefit our nation.

Mon 9 March 2020
07:00 PM - 09:30 PM

Ms Chan Lai Fung

Ms Chan Lai Fung

Chairman, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Permanent Secretary (National Research and Development), Permanent Secretary (Public Sector Science and Technology Policy and Plans Office), Prime Minister’s Office

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