Online Seminar

Facilitating Data Flows Across ASEAN: Challenges and Policy Directions

Facilitating Data Flows Across ASEAN Challenges and Policy Directions_square 1

Negotiations for the Digital Economic Framework Agreement (DEFA), the world’s first major region-wide digital economy agreement, commenced in early September, marking a critical juncture as the ASEAN member states deepen their digital economic integration. A key scope for negotiation centers around cross-border data flows and data protection. Not only do ASEAN countries’ stages of data regulatory development differ, but also they adhere to distinctly diverse data regulatory models, creating barriers for cross-border services providers operating in the region.

What challenges do businesses face in navigating ASEAN’s diverse regulatory landscape? How have regional initiatives and trade agreements facilitated smooth data flows? In this webinar, we will present the compliance challenges for both SMEs and large enterprises, and an assessment of the effectiveness of regional mechanisms and trade agreements in bridging the gaps in cross-border data flows. The webinar adds to the discussion of what we can expect and hope for from the negotiations for DEFA.
Online via Zoom
Tue 31 October 2023
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM