Corporate Associates Event

Dialogue with Mr Roland Rudd on "The Road to Brexit: Why does it matter to Asia?"

Article 50 was triggered on 29 March 2017 and the United Kingdom will leave the EU by March 2019. What does the future hold for the UK and why should Asia be interested? The economic consequences for the UK have been discussed extensively but the decision has consequences for the UK’s soft power, its international relations, its attractiveness to foreign investment and the investment and business climate across Europe. It may also lead to Scotland’s exit from the UK. Is Brexit part of a global trend towards populism and economic nationalism or simply an example of a nation ‘taking back control’?

Wed 19 April 2017
02:00 PM - 03:15 PM

Mr Roland Rudd

Mr Roland Rudd

Founder and Chairman of Finsbury

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Professor Tommy Koh

Professor Tommy Koh

Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore; Chairman of the Governing Board of the Centre for International Law; and Rector of Tembusu College at the National University of Singapore

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