Brown Bag Session

Capitalisms in Asia

Professor Razeen Sally's talk on how capitalism thrive in Asia. Capitalism’s regulations and institutions vary enormously across Asia. So do political systems. Asia has only five high income countries: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. They have living standards equivalent to those in the West. China, Malaysia and Thailand are in the upper middle-income bracket. Most Asian countries are lower middle income, including India, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. And some are still very poor. Nepal and Cambodia are still in the low income bracket; Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar and East Timor are only slightly above it. There is also large variation within countries. China’s first tier cities and coastal provinces have much higher living standards than its lower-tier cities and interior provinces. Similar gaps exist in India.

This is the third in a series of 'Politics and IR Brown Bag Lunch Sessions' organised by the Centre on Asia and Globalisation. Launched in Academic Year 2017/18, the new initiative aims to provide a more casual and intimate setting for CAG faculty members to share their nascent research ideas on international relations over lunch, as well as engaging in unconstrained and thought-provoking discussion.
469A Bukit Timah Road
MIA Meeting Room 
Level 10, Tower Block
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Singapore 259770
Wed 11 October 2017
12:15 PM - 01:30 PM

Razeen Sally

Razeen Sally

Associate Professor