Panel Discussion

Building a 'Fit for Purpose' Policy Institute for Environment and Sustainability in Asia - NGOs and Non-Profit Insights (Panel 3)

There is now a global consensus that managing the world’s critical challenges –– from the climate crisis to biodiversity loss to sustainable resource use and consumption – requires urgent attention to nurturing, and advancing, social science contributions to “fit for purpose” policy analysis. We seek to meet this need, especially in the context of Asia, in two ways. First, we will be turning to, and drawing on, the successful efforts of the Institute of Water Policy in applying innovative policy analysis for helping managing water challenges in Singapore and beyond. Second, and related, we seek to formalize an approach that applies problem focused policy analysis with which to help governments and stakeholders in Singapore, ASEAN, and in global arenas meet their environmental and sustainability goals.
To advance both goals, the webinar series will be devoted to deliberating over five related questions, the third of which is “What do NGOs/ non-profits need?”. We will have three speakers spanning expertise in Singapore, ASEAN, and global arenas to share their thoughts and experiences

Online webinar
Thu 11 November 2021
04:30 PM - 05:45 PM

Prof Benjamin Cashore

Prof Benjamin Cashore

Li Ka Shing Professor in Public Management, Director of Initiative to create the Lee Kuan Yew School’s Public Policy Institute for Environment and Sustainability and Co-Director, Institute of Water Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Mr Chandra Panjiwibowo

Mr Chandra Panjiwibowo

Asia Pacific Director, Rainforest Alliance

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Mr Benjamin Tay

Mr Benjamin Tay

Executive Director, PM Haze

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Ms Ariel Muller

Ms Ariel Muller

Managing Director, (APAC) Forum for the Future

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Mr Nirarta Samadhi

Mr Nirarta Samadhi

Director, WRI Indonesia

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Dr Jolene Lin

Dr Jolene Lin

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, NUS and Director, Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law

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