You are requested to put forward three to five questions that outline the policy challenges you are confronting in your job. Ideally, these questions can be answered by research, and are broad enough to be approached from a variety of disciplines.
You may ask any policy questions related to the following broad topics:
- Policy Studies, Public Management and Governance.
- International Relations and Global Governance.
- Social Policy.
- Economic Development and Competitiveness.
Remember, this Fellowship is centred around the unique questions you wish to explore. Below is a list of sample questions. We stress that this list is non-prescriptive and included only as a starting point and to show the breadth and kinds of questions which may be answered.
(Note: We do not share the policy questions explored during the previous run of the Public Policy Fellowship due to confidentiality reasons.)
- What lessons can Singapore draw from the current global and regional geopolitical tensions and conflicts?
- What are some factors that could exacerbate division within a country? How can countries build societal resilience against internal and external threats?
- What can policymakers do to encourage the adoption of green technology in the healthcare industry?
- How can we design an effective community engagement process?
- Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world and disruptive technologies, how can policymakers ensure that policies keep pace with changes so as to remain effective and relevant?