GSP PROJECT 2020: Digital Transformation for a Prosperous Future: Reimagining Vietnam                        

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The digital revolution has spread rapidly across the world in the last few decades, providing every nation with unprecedented opportunities to boost productivity growth, employment, and quality of life. These opportunities are particularly valuable for developing countries as digital technologies enable them not only to more effectively exploit their backwardness advantage in acquiring knowledge and technologies from frontier economies but also to take a leapfrog approach in building the long-term foundation of a prosperous future.

This Governance Study Project (GSP) focuses on Vietnam. Embracing the digital revolution has been one of the top priorities of Vietnam in pursuing its economic catch-up strategy. This GSP Project offers students exciting first-hand opportunities to learn from and contribute to the country’s efforts in this endeavour. 

In this conference, students will draw on knowledge and skills learned during the MPA programme to conduct policy analysis exercises for clients, which will be Vietnamese government agencies. The topics of the exercises will be diverse, ranging from digital governance and cutting edge tourism to smart city development and human capital upskilling. 

The outcomes include detailed policy proposals based on robust primary and secondary research and analysis, aiming to provide clients with sound strategic thinking and rigorous policy approaches to embrace digital technologies for building good governance and promoting economic development.

Abstracts overview



Session 1: Government as a Leading Player in Digital Transformation


Session 2: Smart Economy - Tourism


Session 3: Education, Science and Technology


Session 4: Smart City Development