GSP Conference 2015: Governance and Policy for Ganga Rejuvenation

The official GSP Conference 2015 photos can be found here


For the GSP 2015, the students visited India, to study and research on the Ganga Rejuvenation project, which is currently on-going. There will be a conference to showcase the findings from the project and students will be sharing recommendations to the various stakeholders. The GSP Conference 2015 will take place on 9th July at the LKY School.

The Ganga River has economic, cultural, social and religious importance for more than 500million in habitants in its basin. It accounts for one-fourth of the country’s water resources. The Ganga basin is the largest river basin in Indiain terms of catchment areas constituting 26% of the country’s land mass. About 79% of the Ganga basin is in India. Today River Ganges faces a bleak future due to excessive obstruction of river course, over-extraction, encroachment and uncontrolled pollution. Reduction in natural flow, coupled with severe pollution has made its water unfit for even bathing standards. Attempts to revive the river are not new.

In May, 2014 Prime Minister Narendra Modi brought up the issue into limelight by vowing to rejuvenate the riverine system within next 5 years. To this end, alot of activities have started, such as multi-stake holder meetings and high-level government discussions. Countries like Canada, UK, US, Israel, along with Singapore has offered help to provide expertise in terms of management, technology and planning. ‘But rejuvenation of the Ganga is more about governance than about technology’, say experts. Thus, we have decided to focus on a variety of governance aspects pertaining to the Ganga River Rejuvenation project. The topics include waterfront development principles, social mobilization, knowledge management, data governance, issue of co-ordination and alignment of rules and regulation. We aim to contribute to finding solutions to rejuvenate this revered river for India and beyond.

Session 1: Overview of the past and key challenges in the present

Venue: Lobby, OTH Building
Time: 09:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.

Session 2: Alternative Models for Effective Projects

Venue: Lobby, OTH Building
Time: 11:10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Session 3: The Role of Civil Society, Youths, and the Region

Venue: Lobby, OTH Building
Time: 1:50 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.

Session 4: Towards a sustainable learning journey: Knowledge, Data, and Aid Management

Venue: Lobby, OTH Building
Time: 3:40 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.