Internship Guidelines

The following guidelines, extracted from the NUS Vacation Internship Programme, also apply to LKY School students.

Internship Job Scope Guidelines

Employers are advised to ensure that the scope of the internship is meaningful and serves to enhance the student’s educational experience and career development. Learning objectives are recommended to be structured into the internship programme and employers are advised to appoint a reporting supervisor who will be responsible for the learning outcomes of the intern and to ensure that the established objectives are met. In order to ensure a good learning outcome for students, internship requests will be screened by LKY School Career Services. Approved requests will be published on the LKY School Job Portal.

For more details, click here.

NUS Vacation Period

International students can work full-time only during the official NUS vacation periods.

The NUS vacation periods are:

  • Semester 1: Early December – mid January (5 weeks)
  • Semester 2: Mid May – end July (12 weeks)

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the specific dates, which vary each academic year.

Note: International students with a valid student pass are allowed to work up to 16 hours per week during the semester, and full-time during the NUS vacation periods. For more details, please visit this page.


Internships in Singapore

Students are covered against personal or bodily injuries caused by or arising out of accidents through a Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme arranged by NUS. However, employers may wish to cover the intern under their organisation’s insurance schemes such as medical or workmen’s compensation.

Overseas internships

For overseas internships, students and employers are responsible to check on the visa and permit requirements for the host country and relevant immigration authorities in compliance with immigration regulations. As the NUS insurance scheme for students only applies to coverage within Singapore, please check with the employer on the provision of travel insurance. If this is not provided, students may wish to purchase travel insurance as additional cover for the internship period overseas.

For more details, please visit this page.


Students are expected to complete the entire internship period or the mutually agreed period. In the case of early termination by either party, students must provide a written explanation to LKY School Career Services detailing the reasons and meet with a staff of Career Services.