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TAN, Poh Lin

TAN, Poh Lin

TAN, Poh Lin

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Policy Studies


Tan Poh Lin examines Singapore’s family and population through interdisciplinary perspectives, including biodemography and health, sociology and economics. Her research focuses on causes behind the crisis of Singapore’s extremely low fertility rate, the effects of national health crises on family dynamics and fertility, and the tension between fertility and human capital accumulation. She is the Principal Investigator of the Singapore Time to Conception Study. Prior to joining the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS, she was a Population Policy Officer at the National Population Secretariat (now National Population and Talent Division). She obtained her PhD from Duke University and BA from Princeton University.

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  • Demography and population

  • Education policy

  • Singapore population policy

  • Social Policy

  • Fertility and marriage


Journal Articles