GSP CONFERENCE 2021: Promoting Sustainable Socioeconomic Development in the Post Covid-19 World                        


The human and economic cost of the COVID-19 pandemic is immeasurable. Hardly any country has been spared from its impact, making it arguably the most significant economic phenomenon of the 21st century. The world is facing unprecedented challenges that require all countries, especially the developing ones, to take extraordinary efforts to support their people and rethink their development strategy. Promoting sustainable socioeconomic development in the post-COVID-19 era, therefore, is an urgent and strategic priority for policy makers around the world.

This Governance Study Project (GSP) Conference focuses on promoting sustainable socioeconomic development with a focus on South and Southeast Asia. The region is home to over 2.5 billion people who live in economically diverse countries facing unique challenges. This GSP Conference offers students exciting first-hand opportunities to learn from and contribute to governmental as well as private efforts in the region.

The students will draw on the knowledge and skills learned in the MPA program to conduct policy analyses for their respective clients, which include government agencies and NGOs around the world. The students will tackle diverse policy areas, ranging from rural digitalization and boosting tourism to energy security and educational reform.

The students will craft comprehensive policy proposals based on robust primary and secondary research and analysis, aiming to equip their clients with innovative ideas and policy approaches to navigate the post-COVID-19 world and promote economic development.

Or download the GSP Conference 2021 booklet here

GSP Conference Schedule 2021

Promoting Sustainable Socioeconomic Development in the Post Covid-19 World

Date: Friday, 7 May 2021
Time: 8.40am to 4.15pm
Via zoom:
Meeting ID: 81890007554                            Meeting Passcode: 302282
Dress Code : Formal

GSP conference 2021 schedule


Group 1: Driving the Growth of Myanmar’s Digital Economy through Foreign Direct Investments


Group 2: Building Resilience in Cambodia's Tourism Industry


Group 3: Moving ASEAN FORWARD - A sustainable approach to organic waste management


Group 4: Strategies for Housing and Urban Development in Metro Manila


Group 5: Singapore-Indonesia E-Commerce Regulatory Reforms for Freer Movement of Goods in a Post-COVID World


Group 6: Digitalisation of Rural Areas in West Java, Indonesia


Group 7: Energy security for a post-Covid-19 world


Group 8: Integrated Tourism Solutions for Amazing Thailand


Group 9: Upskilling Government Officials for the Post COVID-19 World – Zambian National School of Government


Group 10: Reviewing the Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) Diffusion Strategy for Improving E-Payment Services in Indonesia


Group 11: Unleashing the power of online education: Opportunities and Strategies for Vietnam's Higher Education to emerge stronger beyond COVID-19


Group 12: E-Waste Management in India: Ideating a platform towards effective governance