Survey on Political Traits and Media Use

Little is known about Singaporeans’ attitudes towards politics and their other political traits. Among the questions that have to be answered are: Do they engage in political activities, what is their attitude towards strong government and freedom, do they feel they have a say in political affairs, do they trust political leaders to do good by society, how much knowledge about politics do they have? Little is also known about the use of the Internet for political purposes. Among the questions that need to be answered are: How much do people use the Internet and traditional media for political information, and what is their trust of and assessment of the importance of the different media as a source of political information? The aim of this study is to use a national survey to reveal basic and critical facts and figures on these two sets of questions. It looks at the variables of demographics, of political traits (namely, political interest, knowledge, political talk, self-efficacy, cynicism and participation), of media use and of attitudes towards media (both of the Internet and other media), and of the relationships between these variables. The team comprises Mr Tan Tarn How, Dr Chung Siyoung and Dr Zhang Weiyu of the National University of Singapore.


Media Reports

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