
About Us

We develop the next generation of trailblazers in the global workforce.

A leading global public policy school in Asia, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy draws on the expertise and experience of the best minds in the field. We shape and share innovative ideas and solutions that offer individuals contemporary insights to transform their organisations and the world.

A key strength of our vibrant learning environment lies in the richness and diversity of our faculty and classroom. We draw the best leaders, thinkers and change agents from around the world – providing unique insights and networking possibilities that are vital in navigating new frontiers.

Through critical thinking and multi-perspective learning, you will achieve a deeper understanding of the environment today so that you can be drivers of positive change tomorrow.


Strategic Location

We are situated in Singapore, widely regarded for its efficient civil service, strong governance, and cultural diversity. LKYSPP students are able to develop and test solutions in a policy lab with ready accessibility to the wider Asia-Pacific region in a garden-like campus that is located next to a UNESCO World Heritage site.


Immersive Experience

We offer powerful learning experiences through field-based opportunities that offers an in-depth perspective on issues. Our immersive approach enables participants to master thinking across intellectual disciplines to navigate the complex operating environment of today and tomorrow.


Build A Global Network

Apart from dynamic lectures and discussions designed by our distinguished faculty, participants will also get to network with and learn from executives from around the world. You will build valuable connections, returning to your organisations with enhanced leadership capabilities and confidence to take effective action, spearhead new ventures and make organisational improvements.