Season 2 Episode 2

The Future of Gender Equality


Since the introduction of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, progress on gender equality seems to be modest, and not one country can claim to have achieved gender equality. In fact, the effort to narrow gender gaps faces new challenges in the form of automation trends and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nevertheless, there is still hope to shape a positive future for gender equality. Join us as we hear from our panelists on how far we have come in terms of gender equality, what are the key drivers and barriers that remain, and what must be tackled in order to accelerate our progress in creating societies with equal opportunities for all.



Ms Corinna Lim

Executive Director, Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE), Singapore

Ms Corinna LIM is the Executive Director of AWARE, the Association of Women for Action and Research. Ms Lim joined AWARE as a member and volunteer in 1992 and has been a women’s rights activist for close to 30 years.

Since becoming Executive Director in 2010, Ms Lim has been responsible for a range of initiatives including the setting up of the Sexual Assault Care Centre, the only specialised service in Singapore that provides support to sexual assault victims. She also led teams at AWARE to successfully advocate for the enactment of the Protection from Harassment Act, the repeal of marital rape immunity, better access to housing for single parents, gender equal workplaces and greater support for low income families and caregivers of the elderly.

In recognition of her contributions to civil society and the advancement of women’s rights, Ms Lim received a Fulbright Scholarship (1998 – 1999). As Executive Director, Ms Lim has improved the governance and management of AWARE, resulting in AWARE being awarded the Charity Governance and Transparency awards in 2015.

Prior to serving as Executive Director of AWARE, Ms Lim practised law for more than 10 years with Allen & Gledhill and Khattar Wong & Partners. She also has over 20 years of entrepreneurial and management experience, having been the co-founder and CEO of Bizibody Technology Pte Ltd, a dot-com company which was successfully transformed into a technology company specialising in the legal industry, as well as having led the creation, development and operation of Justice On Line, the world’s first web-based video conferencing facility between the Courts and law firms.

Ms Lim has a Masters in Public Administration (with focus on social entrepreneurship) from Columbia University. She graduated with an LLB from the National University of Singapore and was called to the Singapore Bar in 1988. Ms Lim is also trained in Organisational Development and completed her Organisational Development Certificate Programme with the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioural Science.


Ms Fannie Lim

Executive Director, Daughters of Tomorrow, Singapore

Fannie Lim is the Executive Director of Daughters of Tomorrow (DOT), a local charity with IPC that is enabling livelihoods for underprivileged women and their families in Singapore. Since 2014, DOT has impacted more than 1000 women through community mobilization to provide them with skills, confidence and access to sustainable job opportunities.

Backed by an amazing team, she is relentless in her pursuit to raise awareness about urban poverty in one of the richest countries in the world. She is also a strong collaborator with private, public and non-profit sectors to uplift lower-income families towards social mobility through economic stability. Her great aspirations and unwavering dedication for this mission are grounded in her belief that every person, like a seed has the potential to blossom and thereby has a destiny to fulfil and contribute to build a stronger society.

She is raising 3 children together with her husband and on the occasion of self-care, appreciates a solitary session with “teh c siu dai” while listening in to podcast/ having a book in hand.


Ms Prateeksha Singh

Innovation Consultant, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Prateeksha Singh is a multidisciplinary practitioner whose practice sits at the confluence of systems theory + foresight + design research. She is driven to working with diverse voices and harnessing inclusive and plural images of the future, and her work in the past has focused across gender, equity, and environmental issues.

She has been working with UNDP since late 2019. Fist, as Head of Experimentation with the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Innovation Centre, and now as an independent consultant working with different global and regional teams. She supports the building of institutional innovation capabilities within regional UNDP offices, and external partners. These capabilities range from foresight, to reflecting on cohesion of current portfolios, dialogue design, systems change theory, and public policy innovation.

Outside of her UNDP work she is working on two other projects including starting a gender and emotional literacy initiative.



Ms Sheila Pakir

Principal, Kaye Consulting, & Executive Education Singapore Futures Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore

Sheila is the Founder and Principal of Kaye Consulting. She works closely with senior leadership across government and industry on strategic communications, foresight and scenario planning, and leadership development and coaching. Prior to founding her consultancy, Sheila spent more than a decade in the Public and Administrative Service of Singapore, working on key national policies across multiple sectors and crisis communications at the centre of government. 

She has been a foresight practitioner for more than 12 years, having served at the Centre for Strategic Futures in the Prime Minister’s Office of Singapore, and doing foresight consultancy and training for multinational corporations, technology and investment firms, and government agencies ever since. She currently teaches foresight and scenario planning at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, as an Executive Education Singapore Futures Fellow. In 2019, she co-edited a book on Foresight and Complexity together with the previous Head of Civil Service Mr Peter Ho, titled “Navigating a Complex World”, published by the Civil Service College of Singapore.

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