CAG frequently publishes in top-tier peer-reviewed journals, such as International Affairs, the Journal of Information Technology & Politics, and Contemporary Southeast Asia, on a range of topics including emerging technologies, security studies and international relations.
CAG has authored and published edited volumes covering a wide scope of issues including financial inclusion and liberalisation, geopolitical impact of emerging technologies, political and security issues in Southeast Asia, and China-India relations.
CAG fellows and researchers have contributed and authored book chapters and working papers on topics ranging from China-India relations to environment and disaster policy and public policy mechanisms and theory.
CAG fellows and researchers regularly author op-eds and columns in a range of publications, such as The Straits Times, CNN, The New York Times, South China Morning Post, and the Nikkei Asian Review.
CAG has formed a tremendous network of institutional partners throughout the world. CAG partners include the Hinrich Foundation, Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Inter-American Dialogue, The New School, Peking University, Korea University and Princeton University.
CAG fellows, researchers and affiliates have been quoted in a variety of publications throughout the Asia-Pacific and internationally.
CAG has hosted and collaborated with our partners in holding a wide variety of conferences, seminars, roundtables and workshops on a diverse range of topics including China-US relations, collective action, and cross-Strait relations.